That's why tutorial levels have been invented, levels that Krossfire doesn't have. Reading tips are quite pointless in any game, unless you want some extra information, but not used to read the basics of a game. It is never explained in the game, unless you have the patience to read the TIPS at the start of any mission. However, you might be lucky or a genius if you know what each building produces or which unit is used for attacking and which isn't. The construction mode, again, is taken from the games which I have mentioned earlier and I think it is a nice touch. The control scheme in Krossfire is similar like in Red Alert 2 or any early Command and Conquer game, in which you use the left mouse button to select and move your units, whereas the right mouse button is used to deselect. Graphics, sound effects, they are all good, but the only departments in which this game fails are gameplay and difficulty. Krossfire only has the promise of a good game, but fails at it. Truly addictive RTSes are hard to concoct. Therefore, this game will draw you in with the cool premise, will serve you a good few hours of play and they will lose you forever to your favorite StarCraft race. However, what it doesn't have is the careful balancing and diversity of games supported by the painstakingly worked and overworked mechanics of that game. Still, the game looks crisper than the graphics featured in first StarCraft game, so if you really care for better 2D graphics, this game has them. The set up, a war torn Earth in 2179 could have been interesting, but a very murky and postapocalyptic theme that follows the sceneries all throughout soon looses its charm and appeal. Thus, the game offers very little tactical diversity and the few emergent strategies that can be achieved will soon become boring and unchallenging.

But these survivors, evolved and the series 9 factions all feel a bit too similar in the way they play and also a bit too lacking in units.

You will have a mechanized faction, a faction of anthropoid enemies that also fly and more. This RTS has an interesting premise, it is fast paced and played on a planet that is invaded by many different species.