All credit for the models/animations rests solely with the extremely talented community on gamebanana. I take no credit for the original base, the original models/animations, and the original textures. BF3 oakley gloves with a combination of a zombie's arm. War scars, zombies arm, gory arm, bleeding arm, wounded arm call it what you may. Please read the FAQ before posting comments. BF4 glove skin for css hand rig in gmod or css. Preview videos and hi-res screenshots are needed, if you have high resolution videos/stills of this addon in action, link it in the comments below and I will feature it, thanks! Myhands_reset - When called it will force player model hands to be rebuilt.Various handguns for close quarters combat. 'Overwatch, UNIT has an unregistered rifle'. Myhands_clip 0 - How far your arms will be clipped. Alyxs gun is finally in Gmod I mean it was kinda already here as a prop but now as a weapon It carries 10 Rounds, which can be boosted to a total of 30 Max.
Myhands_enabled 1 - Can enable/disable the player model hands at will. If you install the addon it will only be enabled if you host a game or play Single-Player. NOTE: The server you are playing on needs this addon installed. NOTE: Make sure model quality is set to High for best results! (LOD forcing on models seems to be broken which is how I use to make this not required) I have no idea which one is the enemy,so i will give both of you a beating.

This addon is intended as a replacement for the c_ arms and is best used with HD models. (If ur model is a headcrab or something like that expect issues!) If you use a non-standard humanoid model it will likely not work. It is bonemerged onto your view-model and all non-relevant bones are moved behind a clipping plane. This is accomplished by rendering a client-side-only copy of your player model. Replaces the default view-model hands with your player models hands.